Jess loves dippin’ in Ranch
Me: Jess, what do you think about going potty on the potty? Jess: No fanks Mom, sorry, maybe nes kime. (No Thanks mom, maybe next time). And if I press her with different thoughts about underwear, etc it she gets a little more anxious and hurried in her answer but it’s always the same.

A little pool fun with Aunt Shugee
Jess: I no yike you Mom, go way

She’s creative, that’s for sure. Don’t mind my bra there….
Jess (as Daddy hands her to me from the top of the peach-picking ladder): Mommy, here a your baby one! (I always call her my baby one and I made up a song about it. You know me :))

Trying out Mommy’s new shoes
Jess: I reaee wan ride Starlite Mom! (I really want to ride Starlite Mom! From Rainbow Brite. When I suggest her rocking horse as a possible substitute she’s not a big fan).

Just doin’ a bit of vintage shopping Mom…
She will not let me trim her toenails or finger nails, do, or even comb her hair, and we fight everyday and night about brushing teeth and flossing. Anybody have any creative ideas for this madness?

Mexican Train into the wee hours of the morning on my birthday. Left to Right, Whitney, me, Cindi, Kendee
Oh, and also. She’s been nursing approximately twice an hour for the past 2 weeks. Today I was dehydrated. This is a stage and I’m tying a knot at the end of my rope and hanging on.