Lisa! Congratulations! Although I was impressed with everyone’s creativity, our RN only missed two. The two she missed were TXT, which is their abbreviation for treatment and SCL which stands for scaling. Scaling as in periodontal treatment, as in when you don’t floss for many, many years and you have way too much gunk stuck between your teeth and your gums below the gumline and they have to do serious gum treatment to rid your mouth of the excess bacteria…yuck. Lisa I will be sending your prize shortly. I am sure you will be thrilled with it.
The answers are below:
RCT-Root Canal Therapy CRN-Crown PX-Prophylaxis (the fancy word for cleaning your teeth) TXT-Treatment SCL-Perio Scaling PT-Patient DR-Doctor
Thank you everyone for your participation. Stay tuned, I’ve got a few more dental abbreviations up my sleeve for a later contest :).
And for those of you who were confused about my “new job” here’s a short explanation: I have a friend who is a dental hygienist in a nearby dental office. At the beginning of this year one of their front office ladies went on 6 wk maternity leave and I covered for her. During that time the other lady in the office become pregnant and so they asked me to work this fall during her 10 wk maternity leave. At first I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it because it makes our life a bit harried but we decided that it would be a good way to save some extra money so I agreed to work from mid-October until just before Christmas. You can do anything for 10 weeks right? 🙂