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Political Junkie

As the wedding coverage has been pretty complete I’ll skip to a different topic…one that consumed much of my attention over the first 6 weeks of the year…the current political climate. I think my interest in politics stems back to my years campaigning for Karl on the school board. I can remember assembly lines of mailers, campaign posters and maps of areas we walked delivering material. At the time I didn’t appreciate what a feat it was for my dad to be on the school board but now I do. Fast forward 10ish years…January 2008 rolled around and I found myself engulfed in two fascinating races for presidential nominations. I spent the better part of January absorbed by 6 hours of talk radio everyday as Mitt made his ascent and and then decline. I attended a stellar Super Tuesday party only to go home disappointed and frustrated and now I’ll sit back and watch what happens. It was really fun to follow a candidate so closely and be so interested in his every speech, appearance and criticism. I know it’s not going to happen for Mitt in 08. As devastated as I was then, I realized that it was good in some ways because I couldn’t keep that pace up all year and now that McCain is the heir apparent I don’t feel compelled to listen to Rush and Sean everyday anymore. I’m still trying to decide how to vote next week. I hear that Mitt will still be on the ballot here in Texas and I’m thinking I’ll still give him my vote. I’m grateful to have had a candidate that I agreed with on so many issues and who I felt I could support whole heartedly. I’m grateful for the manner in which he conducted himself despite heavy fire from his opponents and the media. And I’m grateful for his family’s willingness to share him in the service of our country. 2012?


Can-do support for modern times with a playful approach & a heaping dose of emotional intelligence.

​The Stress Nanny gives families the language & tools to develop mindfulness in a joyful environment, encouraging successful kids and optimistic, (guilt-free!) parents.

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